We are Nebraska's trusted guide to local food.
Since 2006, we have been the go-to resource for Nebraskans wanting to connect with farmers, farm-to-table restaurants, and food artisans. We expand the customer base for our members through our Nebraska Food Guide, website, social media marketing campaigns, and events. We promote our members and Nebraska-grown as a whole, but we also educate. By raising awareness of the importance of locally-grown foods, we support each other as we work together puting wholesome foods on Nebraskan tables.
Each year, with 30,000+ visitors to our website, 5,000+ copies of our food guide distributed, and 200,000+ impressions on Facebook - we increase awareness & demand of Nebraska-grown products. Our print & online resources are the most comprehensive local food resources in the state.
Types of Memberships: Sponsor Farmer & Rancher Farmers Market Business

Membership Criteria & Eligibility
Buy Fresh Buy Local® Nebraska seeks to increase consumer confidence in local food promotions as well as increase awareness of the importance of Nebraska-grown foods & goods. To be a trusted brand and transparent source of local food information, we have the following membership requirements of participating producers and businesses.
- All members must sell locally-grown products within Nebraska borders and meet the member type specific criteria (farmer/rancher, business, farmers' market) outlined in the table below.
- Participate in an annual survey measuring the impact of the program.
- Utilize brand materials for a period of 12 months. If membership is not renewed, or if a member is removed or voluntarily withdraws from the program, the member agrees to discontinue all use of brand graphics and language.
- Create a business profile for the website and/or printed food guide
Membership Type | Cost of Full Membership | Definition | Requirements |
Farmer/Rancher | $50 | Operators who grow or raise food or other agricultural products (fiber, nursery plants, Christmas trees, etc.) for sale to the public including Family Farms, Orchards, Apiaries, CSAs, Farm Stands, U-Pick. | Farming practices listed in your profile must be truthful and transparent. We welcome all farmers & ranchers located in Nebraska or a bordering county selling locally-grown products in the state. If the farm also retails non-locally produced items, those items must be properly labeled. |
Farmers Market | $25 – $150 | A physical space that operates during a specific day and time where farmers and vendors gather and sell food products & other items directly to consumers. Cost depends on number of vendors. | A minimum of two local farms gather and sell at your market. |
Restaurants & Caterers | $50 | Restaurants, caterers, and personal chefs that commit to providing their customers with locally-grown foods. | Must regularly purchase from and promote at least one local farm. Must be working to increase use of local food ingredients. |
Artisan Food Producers | $50 | Businesses that use locally-grown ingredients to create new products like jams, jellies, breads, and baked/prepared goods, cured meats, fermented vegetables, etc. | A primary ingredient in the product (i.e. apples in applesauce or oats in oatmeal cookies) must be a locally-grown product. Must regularly purchase from and promote at least one local farm. |
Grocers & Retailers | $50 | Grocery stores, co-ops, butcher shops, markets, and stores that commit to buying and stocking their shelves with locally-grown products. | Must regularly purchase from and promote at least three local farms. |
Specialty Beverage Producers | $50 | Businesses that use locally-grown ingredients like grapes, hops, or apples for wine, beer, cider, kombucha, or spirits. | Must raise your own grapes, hops, grain or fruit or regularly purchase from and promote at least one local farm. |
A member may withdraw from the program voluntarily at any time by providing written notice to BFBL Nebraska. BFBLN may, at its discretion, remove a member who fails to honor this agreement. In either case, the member is not entitled to any refund of fees.